What is An Estate Sale?

Whether you are moving because you are upsizing, downsizing, merging households, or settling an estate due to the death of a loved one, emptying a home of its contents can be a challenging task for families.

Our qualified professionals have the experience to assist you in this process. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible on the client while at the same time maximizing the return.

With over 20 years experience selling items for others, the crew at Urban Potluck Sales has the ability to help you liquidate all your items for cash by hosting an estate sale.

What Does Hosting an Estate Sale Mean?

When you decide to host an estate sale, you are agreeing to sell a large portion of your home’s contents. Aside from anything deemed sentimental, we are open to selling most anything. Please do not throw anything away. We will attempt to sell most everything in your home and dispose of those items we determine are non-saleable.

Our crew will organize, stage and price all your items that will be for sale. You do not need to try and anticipate what will make a great estate sale item. Many times the items that may be the most sought after are items you least expect.

Why Are Estate Sales Commonly Held?

Estate sales in DFW are commonly used to liquidate assets in the event of death, divorce, moving and relocation. People will pay for what you no longer want to keep.

When you hire a company to handle your estate sale, you are eliminating the labor and time involved with selling your assets piece-by-piece. Most estate sales can be handled from start to finish within a two week time frame.

Why Should You Hire Qualified Professionals?


Urban Potluck Sales has the knowledge to properly research the current market value of each item before determining a price. We base our pricing on market demands and prior sold value data to arrive at a current value.

Networking & Advertising

We have a large customer base that are invited to every sale via text and email. In addition, we will promote your estate sale to a large online audience. Utilizing social media, our website, and estate sale specific websites to market your sale allows us to attract a large pool of buyers.

Pricing Negotiations

Negotiation and price haggling are part of the estate sale business and we expect it and are used to it happening. Although we lower stated prices as necessary, we don’t give away your estate’s items. Our goal is to sell items at the maximum amount of profit for the client.

Integrity, Support and Guidance

The content of one’s home is often the culmination of a family’s life work, both emotionally and financially. We are sensitive to the emotion that is attached to our clients’ possessions but understand that the main goal is to empty the home. We work hard to guide the client in achieving this goal with the least amount of stress.

The team working at Urban Potluck has been together since Tracy started her business. They are her trusted co-workers and friends.